"Abusheni Africa”
"Abusheni” says “Good Morning” in the Shangaan tongue - It beckons you to this magical place that is Africa!

Let us share with you the best kept secrets of the African bush. Come as a participant, not just an observer – live this life, if only for a short while you’ll wish you could stay forever!

Your adventure begins here.... a safari of a lifetime and not easily forgotten. 

Abusheni epitomises the diversity and hidden secrets that is Africa on Safari!

For more information on our facilities send us an email at info@abusheni.com or please complete the following form to receive a free quotation.
As the morning sun salutes the mystique of Africa and Abusheni heralds a new day, the warmth of the Shangaan people will touch your soul, as it did ours.

This splendour that is Africa does not belong to us, it was not given to us by our forefathers, but rather loaned to us by our children.

Abusheni invites you to discover Africa’s secrets, the BIG 5, the LITTLE 5, the SECRET 7 - capture this magic, savour this moment, it is a privilege which does not pass by often – perhaps only once in this life.

“Twenty tears from now you will be disappointed by the things you didn’t do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from this safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails."

"Explore. Dream. Discover”

Abusheni has so much to offer, everything you want and more - 5-Star accommodation at the Klaserie Camps takes you beyond the average African adventure –this is the beautiful land that is Africa, a magical place delivered to you through the chorus of life … Abusheni

"Good morning Africa!!"


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